I've toyed with the idea of writing children's books, but I've never put any significant effort into it. Years ago, I did start taking a children's writing course. At the time, after suffering three miscarriages, I became pregnant again. I was a bit stressed about the pregnancy and decided to drop the course and anything else that was keeping me from prioritizing my 3-year-old and the pregnancy. I guess you could say I made the right decision, cuz that little baby is 21 and she and I just went blueberry picking today in Indiana! I'll let you know if I get lucky enough to nab a decent writing gig. Fingers crossed on your school district (or governor!) making the safe decision for your family this fall re: masks. (Instead of sharing more of my personal life with all of Medium, I'll give you my email, if you'd like to send any more notes! It is kjlhaas@sbcglobal.net.)